What is Pitchpoint?


 You can use Shop.Pitchpoint.io to find awesome products and earn points to unlock content from your favourite creators. Each purchase made here directly supports Creators, Charities, and any personal profiles you choose to SUPPORT on the video player located at Pitchpoint.io.

Are you an Affiliate marketer? Retail business owner? Creator?

Have a Shopify or Amazon store? Add a Pitch Shop too:)

We have a tool for you! List your products for sale directly on the store by registering as a vendor (here) and linking your Stripe Account. Then you can offer Pitchpoints as commissions that ANY creator can promote on the Video Player where they host free and premium content. There is no easier way to have Creators advertise your products.

Affiliate Marketer? 

You can create a listing page (here) and post your own affiliate links as product listings. Products can be advertised directly by any creator or you can promote them for as little as $5 per 1000 views by creating a "Boost" on Pitchpoint.io. Your Affiliate link can be set to "Follow" along side any creator promoted product listed in the store, or directly promoted on your own content.

Creators! We love new creators!             MONETIZE FROM YOUR FIRST POST

Its hard to get monetized on other platforms and that's why Pitchpoint was made-Just for you! ALL creators are monetized from their very first post. You can earn revenue from views aor by tagging shop.pitchpoint.io  products to appear along side your content. You can set premium videos to require minimum commissions from store purchases to unlock the content, host contests, and earn from affiliates promoting links on your content. Watch the Pitch Pointers channel to learn all the ways to monetize DAY 1.